Struzak R: Chairman’s Address; Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Wroclaw, September 17-19, 1980, p.7-8
Struzak R, Sega W, Waszkis W: Computer Prediction of VHF/UHF Transmitting Station Coverage Area (Invited), Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Wroclaw, September 17-19, 1980, p.497-505
Struzak R: The Problem of Optimum Assignment of Frequency and Power in Radio Transmitter Networks (Invited); Proceedings of the 3rd URSI National Conference, Wroclaw, 12-14 February 1981, p.278 (In Polish)
Struzak R, Sega W, Waszkis W: Demon 80: A Computer System for Analysis and Simulation of TV Broadcasting Networks (Invited); Proceedings of the 3rd URSI National Conference Wroclaw, 12-14 February 1981, p.281-288 (in Polish)
Struzak R, Moron W, Rymarowicz Z: Survey of Radio Noise in 124 Polish Cities, (Invited); Proceedings of the 3rd URSI National Conference, Wroclaw 12-14 February 1981, p.314-321 (in Polish)
Struzak R: On Optimum Frequency and Power Assignment in Transmitter Networks (Invited); Proceedings of the International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, March 10-12, 1981, p.89-94 Note: This is an up-dated version of the paper presented at the 3rd URSI National Conference, Wroclaw 1981
Struzak R, Moron W, Rymarowicz Z: Results of Urban Radio Noise Survey in Poland (Invited); Proceedings of the URSI 20th General Assembly, Washington D.C., August 10-19, 1981, Session E1
Struzak R: Chairman’s Message; Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Wroclaw 1982, p. IXX-XXI
Struzak R: Chairman’s Message; Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility; Wroclaw Technical University Press, 1984, p. XXI-XXIII
Struzak R: Radiation from Industrial, Scientific and Medical Radio-Frequency Equipment (Invited); Proceedings of the 21st General Assembly of URSI, Florence, August 29-September 5, 1984, Session E
Struzak R: On Signals, Graphs, And Frequency Planning (Invited); Frequency Planning Workshop, IRT, Institut fur Rundfunktechnik, Munich, April 1982, p.1-80
Struzak R: ISM RFI Radiation Problem (Invited); Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich March 8-10, 1983, p.343-348
Struzak R: Protection of Radiocommunications Against Interference from ISM Equipment (Invited); Actes de la Demi-Journee ISM du 2me Colloque National sur la Compatibilite Electromagnetique, Tregastel, France, 3 June 1983, p.26-37 (In English.)
Struzak R, Moron W, Rymarowicz Z: Urban MF Radio Noise Survey (Invited), Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, March 8-10, 1983, p. 1-6
Struzak R: Vestigial Radiation from Industrial, Scientific and Medical Radio Frequency Equipment (Invited); Proceedings of the URSI Commission E Workshop on Nonlinear and Environmental Electromagnetics, Tokyo, October 19, 1984, 30 pages
Struzak R: On Some Graphs and Functions Describing Radiocommunication Systems, (Invited); Proceedings of the 4th URSI National Symposium, Poznan, 13-15 February 1984, p. E24-E29 (In Polish)
Struzak R, Janek Z: Analysis of Composite Pulses Using Method of Moments (Invited); Proceedings of the 4th URSI National Symposium, Poznan, 13-15 February 1984, p. E24-E29 (in Polish.))
Struzak R: Progress in CCIR Studies on Frequency Management (Invited), Proceedings of the 2nd ITU Meeting on National Frequency Management, Geneva 8-11 September 1987, Doc. No. 5
Struzak R: CCIR Studies Related to Electromagnetic Compatibility (Invited); Proceedings of the IEC-ACEC Workshop “Electromagnetic Compatibility Standardization in the IEC”, Paris, December 14-16, 1987, 7 pages
Struzak R, Kirby RC: On Radio Spectrum, Competition and Collaboration; (Invited), Proceedings 17-th General Assembly of the URSI, (Commissions C, E, F and J), Tel-Aviv, Israel, 24 September – 2 Oct. 1987, p.133
Struzak R, Kirby RC: The International Dimension in Spectrum Utilization; (Invited) Proceedings of the Spectrum 20/20 Symposium on Spectrum Usage: – Future Directions in Canada, Montreal, May 12-13, 1987 p.III.1-III.11
Struzak R, Hughes K: Application of Propagation Data in System Planning and Frequency Allocation, (Invited), Proceedings of the Olympus Utilization Conference, Vienna, April 8-12, 1989, pages 259 – 266