For over nine years, Professor Struzak was employed as an international civil servant at the International Telecommunication Union, ITU. The ITU, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, is an international organization within the United Nations System where governments and the private sector coordinate global telecom networks and services. Professor Struzak was heading a technical department at the former International Radiocommunication Consultative Committee, CCIR (now the ITU-R), and serving as a senior counselor and acting assistant director of the CCIR. Here, he was advising the ITU member organizations (from about 180 countries) and was responsible for the coordination and support of international studies leading to the CCIR recommendations, reports, opinions, and handbooks, assigned to six CCIR Study Groups. These groups were dealing with current problems requiring international collaboration in radio frequency spectrum utilization and monitoring (SG1); space research and radioastronomy (SG2); radio-wave propagation in non-ionized (SG5) and ionized (SG6) media; and science services, earth-exploration satellite systems, meteorological systems, standard frequency and time services (SG7). The sixth study group (SG12) was dealing with inter-service sharing and interference. His duties included the participation in all World Radiocommunication Conferences and CCIR Assemblies and CCIR Study Group meetings in an advisory capacity.